
One Hundred and Eleventh

Annual Session

of the

Grand Chapter of Wyoming, O.E.S

“Wonders of Wyoming” Session





One Hundred and Twelfth

Annual Session

of the

Grand Chapter of Wyoming, O.E.S

“Hand in Hand” Session


Worthy Grand Matron

Worthy Grand Patron

Associate Grand Matron

Associate Grand Patron

Grand Secretary

Grand Treasurer

Grand Conductress

Associate Grand Conductress

Grand Chaplain

Grand Chaplain Pro-Tem

Grand Marshal

Grand Organist

Grand Adah

Grand Ruth

Grand Esther

Grand Martha

Grand Electa

Grand Warder

Grand Sentinel

Julie Birrer

Charles Realing

Jana Krmpotich

John "JR" Horton

Patricia Harwood, PGM

Sarah Norris, GGCCM

Andrea Stamp

Vicki Woods

Pam Hopkins

Peggy Loveridge, PGM

Norm Duncan

Dorothy H. Stolns

Sherri McCoy

Cheryl Confer

Julie Houchin

Shirley Bryngelson

Mable Brogdin

Buddy Matson

Chris Briggs

Jackson Hole #50

Mystic #8

Mt Lily #10

Olivet #3

Lewisia #16

Mizpah #36

Gentian #23

Gentian #23

Mizpah #36

Oak Leaf #6

Lupine #52

Saratoga #12

Oak Leaf #6

Mt Lily #10 (8)

Snowy Range #45

Jackson Hole #50 (3)

Ft Casper #4

Hanna #46

Upton #32 (51)



Worthy Grand Matron

Worthy Grand Patron

Associate Grand Matron

Associate Grand Patron

Grand Secretary

Grand Treasurer

Grand Conductress

Associate Grand Conductress

Grand Chaplain

Grand Marshal

Grand Organist

Grand Adah

Grand Ruth

Grand Esther

Grand Martha

Grand Electa

Grand Warder

Grand Sentinel

Jana Krmpotich

John "JR" Horton

Andrea Stamp

Chris Briggs

Sheralyn Farnham

Sarah Norris, GGCCM

Vicki Woods

Julie Houchin

Glenn Birtwistle

Mike Hutchinson

Ginger DiJohn

Janel Couture

Sherry Weinert

Cheri Shiek

Julia Ortner

Valerie Williams

Larry Dodge

Gary Keil

Mt Lily #10

Olivet #3

Gentian #23

Upton #32 (51)

Snowy Range #45

Mizpah #36

Gentian #23

Snowy Range #45

Pinedale #39

Newcastle #30

Oak Leaf #6

Electa #5

Saratoga #12

Friendship #51

Mizpah #36

Big Piney #42

Torrington #22

Wyoming #7


One Hundred and Thirteenth

Annual Session

of the

Grand Chapter of Wyoming, O.E.S

“Journey of Life” Session





One Hundred and Fifteenth

Annual Session

of the

Grand Chapter of Wyoming, O.E.S

“Love Grows in All Seasons” Session


Worthy Grand Matron

Worthy Grand Patron

Associate Grand Matron

Associate Grand Patron

Grand Secretary

Grand Treasurer

Grand Conductress

Associate Grand Conductress

Grand Chaplain

Grand Marshal

Grand Organist

Grand Adah

Grand Ruth

Grand Esther

Grand Martha

Grand Electa

Grand Warder

Grand Sentinel

Andrea Stamp

Chris Briggs

Vicki Woods

Gary Keil

Sheralyn Farnham

Sarah Norris, PGM

Julie Houchin

Valerie Williams

Karlene Sjoden

Michael Trimmer

Kathy Wickhorst

Alice Willey

RaeLene Ray

Susann Anderson

Leona Elliott

Brenda Eden

John Moyer

Bryan Sandlian

Gentian #23

Upton #32 (51)

Gentian #23

Wyoming #7

Snowy Range #45

Mizpah #36

Snowy Range #45

Big Piney #42

Saratoga #12

Ft Casper #4

Mystic #8

Pine Cone #41

Upton #32

Mizpah #36

Vesper #19

Alcyone #27

Wyoming #7

Mizpah #36



Worthy Grand Matron

Worthy Grand Patron

Associate Grand Matron

Associate Grand Patron

Grand Secretary

Grand Treasurer

Grand Conductress

Associate Grand Conductress

Grand Chaplain

Grand Marshal

Grand Organist

Grand Adah

Grand Ruth

Grand Esther

Grand Martha

Grand Electa

Grand Warder

Grand Sentinel

Vicki Wood

Gary Keil

Julie Houchin

Bryan Sandlian

Sheralyn Farnham

Sarah Norris, PGM

Valerie Williams

Karlene Sjoden

Keith Eden

Michele Blume   

Barb Lahr

Cindy Sheaffer

Janet Goulette    

Norma Shelton

Rita Vickrey    

Billie Jean Lundberg

Bob Rucker

Michael Trimmer

Gentian #23

Wyoming #7

Snowy Range #45

Mizpah #36

Snowy Range #45

Mizpah #36

Big Piney #42

Saratoga #12

Alcyone #27

Mystic #8

Gentian #23

Ft Casper #4

Pinedale #39

Newcastle #30

Esther #9

Burns #47

Oak Leaf #6

Ft Casper #4


One Hundred and Sixteenth

Annual Session

of the

Grand Chapter of Wyoming, O.E.S

“Stars in the Heart” Session





One Hundred and Seventeenth

Annual Session

of the

Grand Chapter of Wyoming, O.E.S

“Magic of the Stars” Session


Worthy Grand Matron

Worthy Grand Patron

Associate Grand Matron

Associate Grand Patron

Grand Secretary

Grand Treasurer

Grand Conductress

Associate Grand Conductress

Grand Chaplain

Grand Marshal

Grand Organist

Grand Adah

Grand Ruth

Grand Esther

Grand Martha

Grand Electa

Grand Warder

Grand Sentinel

Julie Houchin

Bryan Sandlian

Valerie Williams

Michael Trimmer

Sheralyn Farnham

Sarah Norris, PGM

Karlene Sjoden

Cindy Sheaffer

Walt George

Donald L. York

Joyce Martines

Imo Harned

Linda Farver

Wilma Realing

Christine Confer

Tammy Ross

Arlen Rounds

Keith Eden

Snowy Range #45

Mizpah #36

Big Piney #42

Ft Casper #4

Snowy Range #45

Mizpah #36

Saratoga #12

Ft Casper #4

Mizpah #36

Woodbine #18

Esther #9

Woodbine #18

Wyoming #7

Mystic #8

Mt Lily #10

Ft Casper #4

Hanna #46

Alcyone #27



Worthy Grand Matron

Worthy Grand Patron

Associate Grand Matron

Associate Grand Patron

Grand Secretary

Grand Treasurer

Grand Conductress

Associate Grand Conductress

Grand Chaplain

Grand Marshal

Grand Organist

Grand Adah

Grand Ruth

Grand Esther

Grand Martha

Grand Electa

Grand Warder

Grand Sentinel

Valerie Williams

Michael Trimmer

Karlene Sjoden

Keith Eden

Sheralyn Farnham

Lee Brown

Cindy Sheaffer

Janel Couture

Ron Wagner

Joe Boster

Sue Milner

Diane Mickelson

Jeanette Ray

Stephanie Cox

Debbie Braithwaite

Anne Sandlian

Bob Unangst

Tom Smith

Big Piney #42

Ft Casper #4

Saratoga #12

Alcyone #27

Snowy Range #45

Golden West #37

Ft Casper #4

Electa #5

Alcyone #27

Ft Casper #4

Torrington #22

Big Piney #42

Upton #32

Lewisia #16

Mystic #8

Mizpah #36

Ft Casper #4

Vesper #19


One Hundred and Seventeenth

Annual Session

of the

Grand Chapter of Wyoming, O.E.S

“Music of the Stars” Session





One Hundred and Eighteenth

Annual Session

of the

Grand Chapter of Wyoming, O.E.S

Nature's Splendor” Session


Worthy Grand Matron

Worthy Grand Patron

Associate Grand Matron

Associate Grand Patron

Grand Secretary

Grand Treasurer

Grand Conductress

Associate Grand Conductress

Grand Chaplain

Grand Marshal

Grand Organist

Grand Adah

Grand Ruth

Grand Esther

Grand Martha

Grand Electa

Grand Warder

Grand Sentinel

Karlene Sjoden

Keith Eden

Cindy Sheaffer

Tom Smith

Sheralyn Farnham

Lee Brown

Janel Couture

Alice Willey

Don Slaughter

Butch Anderson

Nan James

Vicky Edwards

Sheila Beavers

Barbara Morrison

Barbara Boster

Margo Cornett

Jack Cox

Terry Wiekhorst

Saratoga #12

Alcyone #27

Ft Casper #4

Vesper #19

Snowy Range #45

Golden West #37

Electa #5

Pine Cone #41

Mt Lily #10

Mizpah #36

Woodbine #18

Alcyone #27

Burns #47

Woodbine #18

Ft Casper #4

Alcyone #27

Lewisia #16

Mystic #8



Worthy Grand Matron

Worthy Grand Patron

Associate Grand Matron

Associate Grand Patron

Grand Secretary

Grand Treasurer

Grand Conductress

Associate Grand Conductress

Grand Chaplain

Grand Marshal

Grand Organist

Grand Adah

Grand Ruth

Grand Esther

Grand Martha

Grand Electa

Grand Warder

Grand Sentinel

Cindy Sheaffer

Tom Smith

Janel Couture

Terry Wiekhorst

Sheralyn Farnham

Lee Brown

Alice Willey

Stephanie Cox

Harland Goodchild

John Kenfield, Jr

Bob Willis

Amber Mathison

Ramona Finley

June Hartman

Ellen Currier

Shirley Aikens

Charles Smith

Harry W C Oberg III

Ft Casper #4

Vesper #19

Electa #5

Mystic #8

Snowy Range #45

Golden West #37

Pine Cone #41

Lewisia #16

Alcyone #27

Golden West #37

Upton #32

Oak Leaf #6 (45)

Lupine #52

Ft Casper #4

Mt Lily #10

Snowy Range #45

Vesper #19

Esther #9


One Hundred and Nineteenth

Annual Session

of the

Grand Chapter of Wyoming, O.E.S

“Faith, Hope Trust” Session





One Hundred and Twentieth

Annual Session

of the

Grand Chapter of Wyoming, O.E.S

“Love Comes in Small Packages” Session


Worthy Grand Matron

Worthy Grand Patron

Associate Grand Matron

Associate Grand Patron

Grand Secretary

Grand Treasurer

Grand Conductress

Associate Grand Conductress

Grand Chaplain

Grand Marshal

Grand Organist

Grand Adah

Grand Ruth

Grand Esther

Grand Martha

Grand Electa

Grand Warder

Grand Sentinel

Janel Couture

Terry Wiekhorst

Alice Willey

Harry W C Oberg III

Sheralyn Farnham

Lee Brown

Stephanie Cox

Barbara Boster

Nancy Bond

John Krmpotich

Heidi Finn

Dixie Mathisen

Sue Anderson

Jean Johnson

Maria Criswell

Virginia Autio

Paul Smith

Howard Bond

Electa #5

Mystic #8

Pine Cone #41

Esther #9

Snowy Range #45

Golden West #37

Lewisia #16

Ft Casper #4

Ft Casper #4

Mt Lily #10

Mystic #8

Snowy Range #45

Mizpah #36

Oak Leaf #6

Olivet #3

Wyoming #7

Electa #5

Ft Casper #4



Worthy Grand Matron

Worthy Grand Patron

Associate Grand Matron

Associate Grand Patron

Grand Secretary

Grand Treasurer

Grand Conductress

Associate Grand Conductress

Grand Chaplain

Grand Marshal

Grand Organist

Grand Adah

Grand Ruth

Grand Esther

Grand Martha

Grand Electa

Grand Warder

Grand Sentinel

Alice Willey

Harry W C Oberg III

Stephanie Cox

Howard Bond

Margie George

Lee Brown

Barbara Boster

Amber Mathisen

Kim Lamb

Preston Goulette

Mary Harshberger

Sharon Heward

Susan Ray

Terry Anderson

Joanne Conroy

Kari VanLuvan

William Willey

John Krmpotich

Pine Cone #41

Esther #9

Lewisia #16

Ft Casper #4

Mizpah #36

Golden West #37

Ft Casper #4

Oak Leaf #6

Mizpah #36

Pinedale #39

Torrington #22

Hanna #46

Upton #32 (19)

Alcyone #27

Mystic #8 (9)

Electa #5

Pine Cone #41

Mt Lily #10



Marianne Shenefelt
Past Grand Officers
Grand Representatives
Grand Chapter Locations
GC Committees
PGM's & PGP's
Subordinate Chapters
In Memoriam
Our General Grands
Grand Chapter Forms
